Every person has thought childhood before we become adult, and I believe every person has their own childhood memories that they can remember although they already at the age adult but the sweet memories in age of childhood still in our memory.

For me, my favorite memories that i can't forget until now is when my father buy to me a new bicycle when i finish do the exercise on my first exercise book. On the age of five year old, my parent didn't sent me to kindergarten even at the age of five all my friend has study at kindergarten. That is because at that time my family economy was so poor because all my brother and sister has continue their study so there has problem for my parent to sent me to kindergarten for pay the fees. But for me it is not an obstacle for me to study like my friend at the kindergarten. Because of that my father always buy to me exercise book after he get their salary at every month, and he always check my exercise. And normal for child has lazy habit but if they has some supporter they  they become diligent to do something like exercise, it also same with me when my father told me if i can finish do all the exercise in the book he want to buy for me a new bicycle. So start from that day I do all the exercise on that book if i don't understand how to do i will ask my brother and sister. Finally i got finish to do all the exercise and normal range for child always claim until they get what the promise has give. After a few day my father invite me go to town and i ask my father for what but my father said just follow. When arrived at town my father has park their car near the bicycle shop and on that time can not be describe how i m happy on that time event my father no yet say to me to buy the bicycle, but my instinct say i can get a new bicycle. After a few minute my father pick up the phone he ask me what type bicycle that i want then i choose the new pattern of BMX bicycle i know the price so expensive then said to my father with a tone of frustration just the simple bicycle i also accept, but my father only smile at me and ask me to wait outside the shop office, after a few minute my father take the BMX bicycle in the car. I feel so so happy on that time because my dream to have BMX bicycle become true. In travel to home i ask my father where he get money to buy the bicycle, because i know how my family economic on that time my father can't effort to buy the bicycle on the expensive price. Finally my question has answer when i see some note on the my father pocket has write on the day he was borrow a money from their friend. From that time i feel i make a big mistake, then i said sorry to my father and my father said not the expensive thing in life, only happiness from their children is most expensive think because the happiness cannot buy.

This memories i cannot be forgot because there has so big sacrifice from my father. Thanks daddy your are my heroes in my life.......